HELLO! I know I’m a bit expensive
in posting but that’s the way it is and better said that’s the way I can for
the moment.Don’t worry I’m not sick, I’m not occupied killing people but I’m
only busy living my life.
This post is not a typical fashion
post. I want to get close to you and for that I will write you a very short
story about “me,myself and I” how Beyonce said.
I was born
in a little, old and colorless city but my childhood was more like my golden
era.I am and always were a shy child and from where I’m standing this has a lot
of advantages.For example I never get in what’s not my business.Also true is
that with this mentality I ruined a lot of chances but I’m sure that I always
ended ,like we say in romanian, with my head up.
The perfect
color to express my teenage is pink.You read right, pink because of the girls
that surrounded me.I have always preferred to stay next to a girl and make
jokes about boys than contrarily.Now you must think I’m a girlish guy and no
problem for me, that’s me and you are free to judge me if you think you really
are better than me.All that I’ll say to help you think clear about me being “girlish”
is this question :”What do you think is harder,a boy to deal with girls or a
girl to deal with boys?”.
characteristic of mine and I believe it also came from the shy one is that I make
myself friends very hard.Is not so related with the shy problem but somewhere
in the foundation part it’s a very powerful link.In example the minimum time
for someone to call it my friend is around 1 year.Is true that once he/she gets
in this very privileged group of persons,he or she becomes “coworkers” of my personality and my doings.
You know
what I realized right now?Exactly now I was thinking of myself and I realized
that I never had any enemies or at least for me they didn’t represented bad
persons.I had always tried to be the conciliatory type of guy and sometimes I didn’t
succeed but most of the times I did.Don’t think now that nobody touched me,
like any of you I’ve been hurt, I’ve been beaten but if you know how to manage
and get over a bad situation you’re nothing but a champ.
Let’s not overlook my biggest problem of personality and that would be the faineant and
the arrogance that I sometimes show.This is not a very easy problem for me
because I sometimes prove even to my friends and is just not good.This
arrogance came from my need of proving to the world that I am somebody and I
can do whatever a normal Earth dweller can.I believe all of us are a little
arrogant.Is in our blood to think, to want, to do and to than to show to the
rest what you got.From this point of view the arrogance problem is almost
nothing but the rest of the people when you show that you are better than them
starts to build the definition of “arrogance”.
I believe
is enough for this post . Keep this in mind :”Don’t try to criticize me, try to
change your mind!”